
Organizer of the Google Developer Group on Campus of the Polytechnic University of Bucharest

September 2024 - present

I have been selected as the Organizer of the GDG on Campus of my University. I am leading a team of 20+ members and volunteers to organize hands-on workshops and events, growing student knowledge in various technologies. 

Assistant Programmer – ICI Bucuresti

February 2024 - April 2024

I worked full-time as an Assistant Programmer (Programator Ajutor) for 3 months. I learned Django and Wagtail and collaborated with my team to develop the website of the Metaverse project. I also had the opportunity to experiment with VR technologies in Unity and helped showcase my team's latest VR application at Digital Innovation Summit Bucharest.

Working here improved both my technical skills in web development as well as my ability to collaborate in the creation of a product. I believe that the positive outcome of the project showcases my quick-learning abilities and adaptability, as I had come to ICI with no prior experience in Django or even Python, and yet in the span of 2 months (because one of the total 3 was spent on VR) I delivered a high-quality final product which is still being used and scaled as needed.